Monday, December 4, 2017

How to Make Implants Last a Lifetime

Many patients who opt for dental implants do so because of their longevity and durability. Over the course of a patient’s lifetime, dental implant treatment may actually prove less costly than other restorative treatment options. What these patients must also realize is that without proper care, even a permanent treatment such as dental implants can be damaged. Without proper nutrition, hygiene, and dental visits, implants can fail due to periodontal infection. This guide was designed to help patients understand how to protect their implants with at-home care.

Hygiene is Essential

Cleaning your dental implant is just as important as properly cleaning your natural teeth. The health of your implant prosthesis depends on the health of supporting tissues, which makes having healthy gums essential. As bacterial film accrues on teeth, it’s important to brush and floss teeth daily to remove it, otherwise leftover particles may cause infection. 

Regular dental visits will also help preserve the health of your implant, as your hygienist can complete a thorough cleaning and provide advice on your home care efforts. In cases where additional treatment is needed, such as periodontal cleanings or implant maintenance, you may need to see a specialist.

A Healthy and Balanced Diet

It’s well-known that balanced diet can positively impact your overall health and well-being, but many may not understand how it directly impacts the health of your teeth, gums, and bone. Since implants are integrated into your dental structure, a healthy diet supports their continued use. Here are some tips to enhance your oral health:

  • Drinking a lot of water to help you preserve saliva production, which helps your mouth neutralize the acidity of the mouth.
  • Opt for healthier snacks; sugary and salty snacking prohibits your saliva neutralizing acid throughout the day, so avoid snacking or choose healthier options.
  • Avoid bad habits that can negatively impact oral health and damage your implants, including drinking alcohol, smoking, and drinking sugary soft drinks.

Contact our Oral Surgeon for Implant Care

Offering complete oral surgery care in Northern Virginia, Dr. Snehal Patel and his talented staff are available to help you learn more about how to care for your dental implant. If you have questions about on-going care or are interested in exploring dental implants as an upgrade from a denture or bridge, the team at Lorton Springfield Dental Implant and Oral Surgery invites you to call or visit!

Am I Too Old For Dental Implants?

When it comes to a patient’s eligibility for dental implants, age is just a number. While many older patients fear they’re not good candidates, the truth is their age has little to do with determining whether or not they can receive implants and restorations. Whether you’re tired of dentures impacting your lifestyle, or you’ve had crowns and bridges replaced, dental implants have the durability and longevity to positively impact your life in a variety of ways.

Implants Are Made to Last

You may have noticed that traditional dentures and restorations such as dentures, bridges, and crowns require repair or adjustment, especially as the jaw begins to shrink and lose strength. What’s more, the care routine for bridges and dentures is never quite as simple as taking care of your natural teeth. Fortunately, dental implants can last over 25 years with proper care and require nothing more than regular dental visits and proper brushing and flossing.

What Do I Need to Obtain Implants?

The main non-age related concern when placing implants is the amount of healthy bone capable of supporting the implant. A dental implant is secured to the jawbone, but without sufficient bone, there is a higher risk of the dental implant failing. Additionally, it’s recommended that patients have healthy gum tissue, free of periodontal disease, ensuring the longevity of the implant prosthesis.

In the instance where a patient does not have sufficient jawbone, your oral surgeon can perform bone grafting, which allows a patient to rebuild lost bone and will allow for implant placement when the tissues have healed. When infection threatens the success of this procedure, patients are provided antibiotics and additional treatments to re-establish oral health. With grafts and periodontal treatment, it may take some time for the smile to be ready for implants. The benefits to oral health and function far outweigh the time and financial costs required to complete dental implant treatment.

Visit one of our Lorton Springfield Oral Surgery Practices for an Implant Consultation!

No matter your age, dental implants can dramatically improve your quality of life by providing a durable and strong tooth replacement option that mimics the beauty of your natural teeth. For complete dental implant treatment, visit Dr. Snehal Patel of Lorton Springfield Dental Implant and Oral Surgery, your Northern Virginia implant specialist.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why Shouldn’t I be Afraid of Dental Implants?

Why Shouldn’t I be Afraid of Dental Implants?

Undergoing implant placement surgery can be an overwhelming experience. Patients may have multiple reasons to why they are apprehensive to receive dental implants. To help alleviate concerns regarding the procedure, our dedicated staff at Lorton-Springfield Dental Implant & Oral Surgery want to inform individuals on why they should not be afraid of implant treatment.

What are the most concerning aspects of receiving dental implants?

Receiving dental implants consist of a consultation, any necessary bone grafting procedures, implant placement surgery, healing, and affixing the restoration. The two main reasons why patients are put off from obtaining implant-supported restorations is the length of treatment, surgery, and cost. Once implants are placed, patients must wait three to seven months for the implant to integrate with the surrounding bone. The dental implant procedure is extensive, but relatively painless and reestablishes an individual’s ability to eat their favorite foods and smile confidently. Dental implants feel as natural as your own teeth.

Implants are a long-term cost-effective solution. They are a permanent tooth replacement method, while traditional dentures require adjustment or replacement and do not stimulate bone density. Dental implants demand a higher upfront expense, but it will be a one-time investment. Traditional tooth replacement options such as dentures rest atop the gums and rely on adhesives or suction are a less costly option initially, but expenses add up over time.

What goes on during implant treatment?

Dental implants mainly consist of three components: the implant post, the abutment, and the restoration.  The surgery is when the implant post is placed into the jaw for it to integrate with the bone and create a strong foundation for the prosthetic. Once placed, a healing period is needed to give the implant enough time to fuse with the bone.

Once the implant placement has had enough time to integrate with the bone, an abutment is attached to the post and a restoration is affixed on the abutment. A dental implant replaces a missing tooth from root to crown, restoring your smile function. Implant supported restorations could mean anything from single unit crowns to full arch dentures, due to dental implants’ versatility.

If you have any questions regarding dental implants, and if there is anything our staff can clarify to put your mind at ease regarding this treatment call Lorton-Springfield Dental Implant & Oral Surgery! We want every person to have a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile.  

What is Bone Resorption?

What is Bone Resorption?

When considering implant placement for missing teeth, bone resorption may be a primary concern in the treatment.  For patients who have lost teeth, have periodontal disease, or major tooth decay, the bone that keeps teeth in place may have resorbed or receded. At Lorton-Springfield Dental Implant & Oral Surgery, we provide bone grafting procedures to restore the density of your jaw bone and structure.

Cause of Bone Resorption

Bone resorption has many causes such as missing teeth, excessive alcohol consumption, and pregnancy. A lost tooth in the smile initiates receding bone density due to the lack of stimulation for the jawbone.

The Impact on the Smile

The loss of bone impacts your oral health and overall facial structures. Bone resorption increases chances of developing or causes the following complications:

·         Misalignment due to the shifting of teeth
·         Jaw is more susceptible to succumbing to injury
·         Poor digestion associated with a weak bite
·         Jaw shrinkage or facial sagging resulting in a pre-matured appearance
·         Gum tissue decay

Bone Grafting and Implant Treatment

Patients who are experiencing missing teeth are highly recommended by dental professionals to undergo bone grafting procedures, as well as implant placement, to restore the function of their smile. For an individual to begin the implant treatment process, their bone density would need to be adequate to sustain the post. Dental implants replace a tooth from root to crown, so neighboring teeth make no attempt to fill in the empty space left by a missing tooth. Patients who receive implant-supported restorations regain the function and comfortability lost with missing teeth.

If you have been missing teeth for some time, your jaw bone mass may have reduced significantly. Bone grafting would be the recommended treatment to ensure success for your dental implant treatment. A bone graft consists of using the extracted bone tissue or with synthetic grafts and attaching it to the section where bone density must be improved. This will encourage bone tissue development and reestablish a healthy density.

If you have any questions regarding bone resorption and how it may be affecting individuals with missing teeth, call Lorton-Springfield Dental Implant & Oral Surgery! Our Springfield practice wants to keep everyone’s smiles healthy!

Friday, September 22, 2017

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Thanks to better diets, increased awareness of oral health, and innovative dental technology, people are now keeping their natural teeth longer than ever, but that’s not to say that tooth extraction isn’t necessary some of the time.

Although you may feel self-conscious about needing one or more teeth removed, tooth extraction can actually benefit your smile and improve your overall health. There are several reasons why you may require a tooth extraction. We have listed some of the most common reasons below!

Dental Trauma

When your teeth experience trauma, it can happen in multiple ways. Sports injuries, a car accident, a fall or a fight can cause your teeth to come loose. Sometimes, your teeth can be saved and left in the socket. Other times, however, they need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant.

Infection or Tooth Decay

If you don’t practice good oral hygiene or visit your dentist regularly, you put yourself at risk for contracting periodontal disease. The bacteria that builds up on your teeth slowly begins to degrade your tooth enamel and gum tissue, causing your teeth to loosen. If your teeth are beyond saving, then an extraction may be necessary so that other teeth do not become infected.

Wisdom Teeth

Between the ages of 17 and 25, most individuals will experience the eruption of their wisdom teeth. In most cases, the mouth is not large enough to accommodate additional units, leading to wisdom teeth becoming impacted underneath the gums. To keep the rest of your teeth from shifting, wisdom teeth are often extracted by an oral surgeon. The procedure is very common and can be performed in an hour’s time.


Not everyone is born with straight teeth. Some have too many teeth for their mouth to handle, which leads to overcrowding. Overcrowded teeth can negatively impact the smile, since teeth are more difficult to clean and therefore more prone to infection. To create a healthier smile, a dentist will remove unnecessary teeth and use braces to restore uniformity.

Weakened Immune System

A compromised immune system can seriously impact your health and can even go so far as to affect your teeth. When you have a weak immune system, you have a higher chance of contracting an infection. If your teeth become infected, they may require an extraction.
Call for More Information!

If you would like more information about tooth extractions, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Common Bone Grafting Questions

Common Bone Grafting Questions

Many patients inquire about dental implants only to find that they need a bone grafting procedure before any additional work begins. If you have been told that you need a bone graft, you are not alone! The procedure is actually more common than you might think.

Of course, you likely have some questions about what the procedure entails. Before you come in for an appointment, see if you might find the information you’re looking for here! We’ve answered some of your most common bone grafting questions below.

Why would you need bone grafting treatments?

Bone grafting is required if your jaw bone is too soft to retain dental implants on its own. If you have been missing teeth for some time, it’s likely that your jawbone has weakened without anything to support.

Bone grafting aims to strengthen your teeth by adding more bone to the jaw. Over time, the graft integrates with your natural bone to produce appropriate jaw bone density.

Can you get a bone graft the same day as an extraction?

In most cases, it is possible to perform a bone graft on the same day as a tooth extraction. It is actually recommended that you have both procedures performed back to back to ensure that the bone graft remains stable for as long as it is necessary to integrate with your natural jaw bone.

What about getting a bone graft on the same day as implant placement?

Bone grafts and implant placement are not performed at the same time. After a bone grafting procedure, it is important for the graft to take the allotted amount of time to integrate with your natural jaw bone. This ensures that the graft will effectively stabilize any implants that are placed. Typically, bone grafting takes between 4 and 12 months to heal completely, at which point implant placement can be scheduled.

What is the aftercare experience like?

Most patients experience some pain and swelling after their bone grafting procedure, which can be suppressed using ibuprofen and cold compresses. Dr. Patel may also prescribe an antibiotic to keep any infections at bay.

While you heal, it’s important that you do not disturb the surgical site with brushing or flossing. Maneuver around the area whenever possible. You will also benefit from a liquid or soft-food diet for the first few days after a bone graft. Once you start feeling more comfortable, you can begin to incorporate solid foods.

Give Us a Call for More Information!

If you have additional questions about bone grafting or would like to find out whether the procedure is right for you, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Myths of Sedation Dentistry

The Myths of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is often misrepresented. Some see it as unnecessary or even harmful. Others just can’t tell whether it’s right for them. For patients who fear the dentist, it’s one of the most practical and efficient forms of treatment available. Even those who do just fine at the dentist’s office may not be aware of potential benefits.

If you’re curious about sedation dentistry but are unsure what to believe, read on to learn about and debunk some of the most common sedation myths.

Sedation Dentistry Makes You Unconscious

While it’s true you will be in a twilight state under sedation, you will still be conscious and capable of responding to simple commands. Many people think of sedation and general anesthesia as interchangeable terms when, in fact, the two techniques couldn’t be any more different. Sedation dentistry makes you feel drowsy enough that you don’t feel any discomfort or anxiety while you receive treatment.

You Can Only Receive Sedation for Complex Procedures

Sedation dentistry is very safe and can be used for even the simplest procedures. Patients who are unable to receive a dental cleaning due to their anxiety benefit from sedation techniques like nitrous oxide or IV sedation. On the other hand, more invasive procedures like wisdom teeth extraction can be combined sedation in pill form. If you’re interested in sedation options to improve your patient experience, contact Lorton Springfield Dental Implant Oral Surgery today!

Sedation is Only for Patients with Dental Anxiety

Sedation dentistry became well-known due to the many benefits it carries for dental anxiety patients; however, sedation is also effective on individuals who do not exhibit any fear. Patients with disabilities may be sedated to keep them calm during treatment while those with a sensitive gag can receive treatment more comfortably.

Particular procedures, like dental implants or veneers that are on the cusp of being more invasive, usually involve sedation practices instead of general anesthesia as a better way for dentists to monitor their patients.

The Side Effects 

As with any dental procedure, there is some risk involved with sedation, but with proper care and diligence, you may have some side effects. At most, you will remain drowsy after your treatment, but any sensation will wear off in a matter of hours. And to always better prepare, it’s better to have a trusted friend or family member bring you to and from your appointment if you know you will receive sedation.

Your dentist will also explain recovery details so that you know what to expect after receiving sedation. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions, you shouldn’t experience any issues.

Learn More About Sedation By Scheduling an Appointment!

If you have questions about sedation dentistry or would like to find out whether the technique is right for you, contact Lorton Springfield Dental Implant Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Benefits of Having Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Benefits of Having Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

As dental patients enter their teenage years, they may eventually have a discussion with their dentists about wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth are positioned behind the second molars at the back of the jawline, which is why they are sometimes referred to as third molars. Typically, these teeth emerge in your teenage years to early twenties -- several years after previous permanent teeth have stopped growing.

Potential Issues Caused by Wisdom Teeth

For a large percentage of dental patients, complications of emerging wisdom teeth cause the need for their removal. The most severe of these complications is impaction, which is when teeth become lodged in the gums or bone and are unable to completely move into place. Impaction occurs largely because wisdom teeth often grow in at a different angle than the rest of the teeth in the jawline. In addition, the space available for the wisdom teeth to erupt is so small that there often isn’t enough room for them to fit comfortably.

When the wisdom teeth become impacted, they must be removed, or oral health problems can develop and become bothersome. Partially emerged molars create spots where bacteria and plaque are trapped and difficult to remove, leading to decay and risk for gum disease. Impaction also creates jaw and tooth pain. Without removing the impacted wisdom teeth in a timely manner, a patient can experience uncomfortable and distracting oral health issues.

Partial and Full Impaction of Third Molars

There are several ways wisdom teeth can become impacted. The most common type is a mesial impaction, where the tooth is positioned at an angle directly facing second molars; its trajectory makes it impossible to fully emerge. Horizontal impaction occurs when the wisdom teeth grow in completely sideways, while a vertical impaction occurs when the wisdom teeth grows in properly, but there isn’t enough space to emerge in a patient’s current alignment. 

While the above are the most common instances of trapped third molars, there are several other less common ways wisdom teeth can become impacted. Distal impaction occurs when the teeth grow toward the back of the mouth – the opposite of a mesial impaction. Soft tissue impaction and bony impaction take place when the wisdom tooth starts to grow into the gum line, then eventually through the gum line, where a portion of the tooth can actually be seen.

Ask our Team about Wisdom Teeth Removal

At Lorton-Springfield Dental Implant & Oral Surgery, our dedicated professionals want to help you understand the benefits of wisdom teeth extracted, especially in the case of impaction and pain caused by eruption of third molars. If you live in the Springfield or Lorton area, we have offices in each location. Give us a call today for a consultation!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Finding out that it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed is intimidating to many patients. What happens during the procedure? Will you feel anything? How long will your recovery last?

It’s understandable to have several questions running through your mind at once. Obtaining answers to these questions eases tension and helps you feel more comfortable undergoing oral surgery.

Why do you need your wisdom teeth taken out?

Wisdom teeth were once functional and acted as an extra set of teeth that would help ancient humans chew. As food preparation methods evolved, however, the jaw bone became smaller and wisdom teeth became obsolete.

Today, many patients find that their jaw does have enough room for wisdom teeth to grow, prompting them to have their teeth removed. Without a proper extraction, wisdom teeth upset the alignment of existing teeth and create issues with your bite.

When is the best time to have your wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17-25, which is when most patients choose to have them removed. A dentist or oral surgeon determines whether wisdom teeth extraction is necessary during an examination.

Can I see my general dentist for a wisdom teeth extraction?

Although your general dentist may be able to diagnose your condition, they may not be qualified to perform surgery. Your general dentist will refer you to a trusted oral surgeon, like Dr. Patel, to have your wisdom teeth extracted. Oral surgeons are the recommended specialists to have wisdom teeth removed, on the chance that teeth have not fully erupted, or are impacting the health of surrounding teeth.

How long do you have to wear gauze after the teeth are removed?

Patients experience bleeding from extraction sites for one or two days after surgery, and it’s important that you use gauze to absorb it. It's recommended that you apply gauze every 60 minutes and replace it when the material is soaked through. Continue to replace your gauze until all bleeding stops.

How long does it take for the sedation to wear off?

Depending on the type of sedation you receive, it could wear off immediately or it could take several minutes to an hour. With most wisdom teeth extractions, however, you can expect to return home the same day although you may feel loopy or drowsy after the procedure.

To ensure your safety after your surgery, you are required to have a friend or family member drive you to and from your surgery and accommodate you during the first few hours of your recovery.

What form of sedation should I use for wisdom teeth extraction?

The form of sedation you use depends on the severity of your case as well as your weight and general health. Your oral surgeon will suggest the best sedation method for your particular case.

Typically, patients receive a combination of, IV sedation or nitrous oxide, which will leave you in a twilight state during surgery. Each form of sedation keeps you from feeling any discomfort, and you shouldn’t remember anything about the procedure.

Learn More by Scheduling an Appointment!

At Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, we leave no question unanswered. If there is more that you’d like to know about wisdom teeth extraction, contact our office at 703-436-4633 and schedule an appointment.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Your Diet After Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Your Diet After Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Some of the most common questions about wisdom teeth extraction involve recovery, especially in regards to diet and what you can and cannot eat. The good news is that your recovery from wisdom teeth extraction should last no more than a week, the not-so-good news is that you may have to refrain from eating certain foods during this time.

Your diet after surgery helps determine how fast your extraction sites heal. Foods that are easily lodged within your teeth or irritate your gums will often make your recovery longer. To help you recover as quickly as possible, keep your diet in mind as you heal.

Foods to Stay Away From

After surgery, you will want to steer clear of hard, sticky, and crunchy foods. Snacks like chips, apples, carrots, or candy get stuck in the areas where your wisdom teeth were removed. These foods also place pressure on extraction areas if you try to chew them. Since you’re unable to brush normally after surgery, you have an increased risk of infection if food particles are trapped in healing gum tissue.

Additionally, acidic foods like oranges, coffee can irritate your sensitive gums as well as the surgery site, which could prolong healing.

Foods You Can Enjoy

Soft foods are easy to chew and quick to digest. Apple sauce, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and Jell-O are just some of the types of foods you can enjoy while you recover from surgery. When you eat soft foods, your jaw doesn’t work as hard to break them down, which means they remain in your mouth for a shorter period and don’t impose a risk of becoming lodged in the extraction site.

Think of your recovery as a chance for you to spoil yourself with foods that you don’t eat on a regular basis. Ice cream, mashed potatoes, and smoothies can make an excellent breakfast, lunch or dinner while you heal. After seven days, you can begin to eat normal foods, but it’s important to limit their consumption at first.

Want More Information? Call Today!

If you have unanswered questions about wisdom teeth removal, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery at 703-436-4633 and schedule an appointment.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Snap-On Smile vs. Permanent Implant Dentures

Snap-On Smile vs. Permanent Implant Dentures

Not only is it difficult to live with missing teeth, but it can also be hard to choose the right treatment method for the sake of your dental health. There are many restorative options available, but only one will leave you completely satisfied.

There is often a debate about temporary and permanent dental appliances and whether they are effective at maintaining oral health and quality of life. Many patients find themselves choosing between the snap-on-smile and permanent implant dentures, both of which have their benefits and drawbacks.

The Snap-On Smile

The snap-on smile was developed for patients who are looking to enhance their smile without a large expense and who want a quick and easy solution for concealing missing, crooked, or stained teeth. The procedure takes only two appointments to complete, consisting of dental impressions and the actual placement of your new teeth.

A snap-on smile is made from thin yet durable dental resin though it does not functionally correct or replace missing teeth. It’s a cosmetic alternative that allows you to smile with confidence.  Oral health and diet can remain relatively unchanged for patients, though the appliance must be removed every night. On average, a snap-on smile will last for up to two years before requiring a replacement.

Permanent Implant Dentures

Permanent implant dentures are made from porcelain and consist of a dental arch and implants that work together to create a brand-new smile. An oral surgeon will place two to six implants within the jaw which attach to a full or partial denture.

Many patients desire permanent implant dentures because of their stability. You are receiving a complete set of teeth that will not slip in your mouth as you chew or speak. Because they are permanent, there is no additional maintenance other than routine brushing and flossing.

Permanent implant dentures are bulkier and more costly than snap-on smiles, as the materials of the denture are designed to closely match the quality of natural tooth enamel. Patients who are comfortable with the additional expense and want a restoration that they can treat like their natural teeth often benefit from permanent implant dentures.

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about the restorative options available, or to find out which method is right for you, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery at 703-436-4633 and schedule an appointment.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

If you have lost one or more teeth, it can be difficult to figure out what to do next. While you likely want to receive treatment to replace your teeth, there are a number of options to choose from.
You might find yourself wondering whether you should receive dental implants or a fixed bridge. Both are effective when replacing and restoring missing teeth, but there are differences between them that may impact the treatment that you choose.

Dental Bridges

In the past, dental bridges were the only option for replacing missing teeth. Made of porcelain or ceramic material, a dental bridge uses a prosthetic called a pontic to fill the gap in between two teeth. The pontic is attached to adjacent teeth by crowns, making it necessary to prep the neighboring healthy teeth.

Patients will often choose to receive a bridge as a more cost-effective solution. They may also have existing health issues that limit their candidacy for an implant.

Although bridges are less expensive, their lifespan does not usually exceed 10 years compared to implants, which have the potential to last a lifetime. Additionally, bridges require significant alterations to other natural teeth and can still become susceptible to wear over time.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most effective ways to restore missing teeth and are the number one choice for many patients. The procedure starts with the placement of a titanium implant that is allowed to integrate with your jawbone. Once healed, a restoration is placed atop the one or more implants, creating a natural and permanent prosthetic.

Unlike bridges, dental implants do not involve any prep work to surrounding teeth and can be fabricated to match the shape, size, and color of your natural tooth enamel. Oral hygiene is also easier with implants, requiring only your usual brushing and flossing routine as opposed to bridges that can make the practice more challenging.

Although dental implants carry a heavier price tag, they are often more cost-effective in the long-run. Because they are permanent, you run no risk of needing a replacement or spending additional money in the future.

Get Your Dental Implants Today!

If you would like more information about dental implants or to find out whether they are the right treatment method for you, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery at 703-436-4633 and schedule an appointment.

Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Get an Oral Surgery Referral

How to Get an Oral Surgery Referral 

For major surgical procedures, it’s important to see a specialist in the field in order to receive the best care possible. However, if you’ve been notified by your general dentist that a wisdom tooth extraction is necessary, or that dental implants are the chosen treatment to replace missing teeth in your smile.
In order to see an oral surgeon, and to ensure collaboration between them and your general dentist for further treatment, a referral is recommended. But how do you get an oral surgery referral?

Speak to Your General Dentist

As the only professional who can provide a referral for a dental specialist, speaking to them first can give you better insight as to what to expect when visiting an oral surgery practice. Most times, general dentists have a network of local specialists who they can refer you to if you have extensive procedures that need to be done. Once they’ve gone over what to expect from treatment and provided you with contact information or have scheduled a consultation at the specialist’s office, you can move forward by attending that visit and receive the care you need.

Contact Specialists in Your Area or Insurance Network 

On the chance your general dentist does not have a connection to the type of specialist you require, independent research can help you to find a specialist’s contact information. Your general dentist can take the time to contact their practice to determine if they would be an ideal option for you.
If you find that many of the recommendations are far from your local area, take a look online to see who is in your general vicinity. This can be easily done through your insurance network provider if their website has a database you can use. You can do your own research and see any reviews left by previous patients. Your dentist can then provide a referral and you can schedule visit yourself or have them contact the specialist's practice for you.

A referral to see an oral surgeon is the recommended method of receiving a consultation for your specific oral surgery procedure. This collaboration between dentist and specialists can make transferring over x-rays and other medical documents easy and provide interdisciplinary treatment so that your oral health is taken care of.

At Lorton Spring Field Dental Implants and Oral Surgery, we provide experienced oral surgery procedures that restore the health of patients’ smiles. For more information, or to schedule a consult, contact us today.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Myths of Sedation Dentistry

The Myths of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is often misrepresented. Some see it as unnecessary or even harmful. Others just can’t tell whether it’s right for them. For patients who fear the dentist, it’s one of the most practical and efficient forms of treatment available. Even those who do just fine at the dentist’s office may not be aware of potential benefits.

If you’re curious about sedation dentistry but are unsure what to believe, read on to learn about and debunk some of the most common sedation myths.

Sedation Dentistry Makes You Unconscious

While it’s true you will be in a twilight state under sedation, you will still be conscious and capable of responding to simple commands. Many people think of sedation and general anesthesia as interchangeable terms when, in fact, the two techniques couldn’t be any more different. Sedation dentistry makes you feel drowsy enough that you don’t feel any discomfort or anxiety while you receive treatment.

You Can Only Receive Sedation for Complex Procedures

Sedation dentistry is very safe and can be used for even the simplest procedures. Patients who are unable to receive a dental cleaning due to their anxiety benefit from sedation techniques like nitrous oxide or IV sedation. On the other hand, more invasive procedures like wisdom teeth extraction can be combined sedation in pill form. If you’re interested in sedation options to improve your patient experience, contact Lorton Springfield Dental Implant Oral Surgery today!

Sedation is Only for Patients with Dental Anxiety

Sedation dentistry became well-known due to the many benefits it carries for dental anxiety patients; however, sedation is also effective on individuals who do not exhibit any fear. Patients with disabilities may be sedated to keep them calm during treatment while those with a sensitive gag can receive treatment more comfortably.

Particular procedures, like dental implants or veneers that are on the cusp of being more invasive, usually involve sedation practices instead of general anesthesia as a better way for dentists to monitor their patients.

The Side Effects

As with any dental procedure, there is some risk involved with sedation, but with proper care and diligence, you may have some side effects. At most, you will remain drowsy after your treatment, but any sensation will wear off in a matter of hours. And to always better prepare, it’s better to have a trusted friend or family member bring you to and from your appointment if you know you will receive sedation.

Your dentist will also explain recovery details so that you know what to expect after receiving sedation. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions, you shouldn’t experience any issues.

Learn More About Sedation By Scheduling an Appointment!

If you have questions about sedation dentistry or would like to find out whether the technique is right for you, contact Lorton Springfield Dental Implant Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment!

Monday, April 17, 2017

While most patients are familiar with the benefits of this innovative restoration option, few understand how each component of a dental implant supports long-term success.

The Implant Post
Made of titanium, the implant fixture provides the base for the future prosthetic. During placement surgery, our oral surgeon makes an incision into the gums at the placement area to expose the bone. Specific instruments are then used to create a site for the implant to be placed. The fixture is then covered with a healing cap.

All successful implant treatments require a sturdy foundation. As titanium is biocompatible, it interacts with surrounding bone tissue to anchor itself in place. Over the course of recovery, this compatibility encourages successful osseointegration and ultimately provides a stable base for the rest of the prosthetic.

This component is a connective piece that sits on top of the implant fixture and holds the dental prosthesis, which can be a crown, bridge, or denture. Often made of zirconia, abutments are secured after the implant has fully integrated into the bone. Similar to crowns, abutments are custom made for each patient. Impressions for the abutment are typically taken at the same time your prosthetic is being developed, ensuring consistency and precision in your restoration.

Unlike traditional restorative solutions, dental implants can be adapted to meet a wide number of teeth replacement needs. As such, the prosthetic used to cover the abutment can vary from patient to patient. For patients with single tooth loss, porcelain crowns are ideal and are uniquely fabricated to match neighboring teeth. For patients in need of two or more implants, larger restorations such as bridges and dentures are typically attached. Unique abutments may also be created to support these larger prosthetics, particularly for patients receiving removable dentures.

Ready for Dental Implants? Call Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery
Our two locations in Lorton and Springfield serve patients throughout Prince William County. NOVA oral surgeon Dr. Snehal Patel works closely with local dentists to provide patients with long-term teeth replacement options through dental implants. Whether you’re looking to replace one missing tooth or need full arch replacement with hybrid dental implants, our experienced oral surgeon can provide you with a personalized implant solution for your smile. Call today!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Myths and Misconceptions of Dental Implants

Are you interested in receiving dental implants? Learn the facts about this innovative procedure for restoring missing teeth and schedule your complimentary dental implant consultation with our oral surgeon in Northern Virginia, Dr. Snehal Patel. Below are common misconceptions individuals have regarding dental implants: 

Only Certain Patients can get Dental Implants
Thanks to innovative applications of dental implant technology, many patients are candidates for dental implants or implant-based treatments. During your first visit to our dental office in Lorton, our oral surgeon will thoroughly evaluate the condition of your smile, paying close attention to the density of your jaw. From there, Dr. Patel will determine whether preliminary bone grafting may be needed to strengthen the jaw and ensure successful implant treatment. 

Dentures are the only way to Replace Multiple Teeth
While most patients consider dental implants to be single tooth restorations, the truth is they can be adapted to larger restorations. For patients missing multiple teeth (even entire arches), Dr. Patel strategically places several dental implants as the foundation for permanent fixed bridges. Implants are placed to secure removable dentures, helping patients with existing dentures, and creating a stabilized bite.

Any Dentist will Place a Dental Implant
While many general dentists may offer dental implant placement, this procedure is often best left to extensively trained oral surgeons. In Northern Virginia, our oral surgeon works closely with local general dentists to coordinate post-treatment care and restoration placement.

Dental Implants are Noticeable
Unlike bulky dentures or bridges, dental implants are designed to look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. Implant crowns are made of porcelain, giving patients a natural looking, completed smile. Likewise, implant bridges and dentures are custom-made to match the rest of your smile, ensuring a seamless appearance. 

Care for Dental Implants is Simple
Compared to traditional restorations, caring for dental implants is as easy as caring for your original teeth. In addition to daily brushing and flossing, patients should visit their general dentist for routine cleanings every six months. For patients who used dental implants to replace teeth lost due to gum disease or other dental infection, your dentist may have additional instructions for at-home hygiene. 

Interested in Dental Implants? Call our Lorton Oral Surgeon Today!
Dr. Patel and his team at Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery are proud to offer dental implants to patients throughout Northern Virginia. To learn more about this innovative treatments, call your nearest location today and schedule your implant consultation. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Post-Surgery Complications – Dry Socket

After undergoing tooth extraction, it is critical that patients closely follow their oral surgeon’s post-operative instructions. This not only makes for a quicker, more comfortable recovery process, it can prevent difficulties from occurring during this time. However, even patients who keep these directions perfectly may experience complications such as dry socket.

What Causes Dry Socket?
Dry socket is a fairly common condition, particularly following wisdom tooth extraction. After this procedure, blood clots form as part of the healing process, covering exposed bone and nerves to protect these delicate tissues from damage and infection. However, if these blood clots are dislodged, bacteria and debris may enter and become trapped in the empty socket. Without sufficient cleaning and treatment, infection occurs, causing patients severe pain as well as difficulty with chewing and swallowing. 

Symptoms of dry socket include:
  • Severe pain in the days following extraction
  • Visible bone tissue
  • Partial or complete blood Loss at extraction site
  • Bad breath or an unpleasant taste in your mouth

How to Treat and Prevent Dry Socket
In order to protect your healing smile, it is important that patients closely follow post-surgery instructions from their oral surgeon. At Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, Dr. Snehal Patel recommends the following:
  • Avoid tobacco use: Smoking a cigarette can dislodge the newly forming blood clot. In addition, chemicals in tobacco are known to disrupt proper healing and can contaminate the extraction site, triggering development of dry socket.
  • Avoid touching the site: Poking the empty socket with your tongue or touching it with your fingers can lead to infection and, subsequently, dry socket.
  • Don’t use a straw: The suction from using a straw may dislodge blood clots, leading to dry socket.

Treatment for dry socket is often fairly straight forward. To remove debris and infected tissue, our oral surgeon will flush out the socket before covering the area with a medicated gel or paste. Pain medication may also be provided to alleviate discomfort. Typically, symptoms clear up within five to six days of treatment. At your follow-up visit, Dr. Patel will examine the extraction area, checking for the development of a new blood clot and improved healing. 

Experiencing Dry Socket? Call our Oral Surgeon in NOVA Immediately
Left untreated, dry socket can quickly compromise both your oral and overall wellbeing. If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with this condition, call our oral surgery practice immediately to schedule an emergency appointment. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Side Effects of Wisdom Teeth - Pericoronitis

While some may find newly developing wisdom teeth a mere nuisance, few fully recognize the lasting impact third molars can have on the health of your entire smile. In particular, patients with partially impacted teeth are at risk of developing pericoronitis, an inflammation of the soft tissues around the tooth.

What is Pericoronitis?
When wisdom teeth develop, some third molars may be able to partially emerge through the gums. However, because the tooth does not fully push through the gums, partial emergence tends to create a gum flap over the tooth. Food and bacteria are often trapped beneath the gum flap, causing soft tissue inflammation as well as exposing the new tooth to plaque and tartar development and leading to the development of pericoronitis. 

Like any other oral infection, this soft tissue infection can seriously compromise a patient’s oral health, spreading to the blood stream and lymph nodes if left untreated. As a result, if you notice any of the following symptoms, be sure to call you general dentist for an appointment. 
  • Pain
  • Gum swelling, changes in color, tenderness
  • Infection
  • Persistent Bad Taste
  • Difficulty opening the mouth
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Treating Pericoronitis
Treatment for this condition depends on the extent of infection. In cases were the irritation is isolated to the area around the wisdom tooth and where the tooth is likely to fully emerge without damaging neighboring teeth, some dentist may recommend a more comprehensive hygiene plan until the molar has fully developed. In other cases, the arch may not have enough room to support a new molar, requiring wisdom tooth extraction. 

For patients experiencing severe pericoronitis, tooth extraction followed by a course of antibiotics may be the only way to restore oral health to the smile. In these instances, your general dentist may coordinate treatment with an experienced oral surgeon to ensure predictable extraction and lasting results. 

Wisdom Teeth Extraction and Treatment in Lorton
At the Northern Virginia oral surgery practice of Dr. Snehal Patel, our goal is to provide patients with lasting oral health. If you are experiencing pericoronitis symptoms like painful or swollen cheeks or gums, call Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery today to schedule a consultation with our oral surgeon. We’ll discuss your treatment options and find the best way to help you regain a healthy smile. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Using Dental Implants to Treat Periodontal Disease

While easily prevented, gum disease can leave a lasting negative impact on the rest of your smile. In more advanced cases, periodontitis can cause teeth loss, compromising the long-term function, aesthetics, and health of the dentition.

For patients suffering from advanced gum disease, treatment and restoration go hand in hand. In Northern Virginia, Lorton-Springfield oral surgeon Dr. Snehal Patel offers dental implants as a long-term restorative solution for people who have lost one or more teeth to gum disease. By coordinating treatment and restoration care closely with your general dentist and periodontist, our oral surgeon in Springfield helps patients reverse the damage caused by advanced periodontitis and restore function to their smile.

Why Consider Dental Implants after Gum Disease
Treating advanced gum disease requires a multi-faceted approach. In cases where infection has caused tooth loss or bone deterioration, treating and removing infected tissue is just one part of the solution. While some may opt for traditional tooth replacement, dentures and bridges do not fully address bone loss, opening to door for further dental issues in the future.

Dental implants are purposely designed to functionally mimic natural teeth and interact with bone tissue just like natural teeth roots. As a result, implants stimulate bone regrowth, preventing further tissue resorption and protecting the overall structure of the jaw. Since most patients with weakened jaw bones often require bone grafting prior to implant placement, this oral surgery further reinforces the jaw bone and helps improve overall oral health.

Above the gums, dental implants serve as a sterile tooth replacement, protecting dental alignment and restoring missing teeth without compromising neighboring healthy teeth. While patients recovering from gum disease do have a higher risk of implant failure, comprehensive gum disease therapy before implant placement and vigilant oral hygiene following implant treatment can enhance the longevity of your new restoration.

Dental Implants in Lorton and Springfield

During your implant treatment, our goal is to ensure long-lasting, predictable results. By relying on the latest dental technology and coordinating treatment with your dentist, our oral surgeon is able to provide patients with comprehensive care. For more information about dental implants following gum disease treatment, call or visit Dr. Patel today.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Guided Surgery

At Dr. Snehal Patel’s practice, advanced dental technology allows our Springfield oral surgeon to provide patients with precise, long-lasting dental solutions. Guided dental implant surgery is one more way we help patients regain full dental function. 

What is Guided Surgery?
Guided implant surgery is based on in-depth images of your entire smile using a cone beam scan. The resulting scans are then used to create a 3D model of the dentition and jaw bone, which allows our oral surgeon to create a virtual surgical guide for future implant placement. During the procedure, this guide is used to preprogram the instruments used to place the implants, ensuring the post is placed in t
the optimal location and at the right depth for best results.

Advantages of Guided Surgery
The use of a digitized system for implant dentistry provides a number of benefits to patients before, during, and after their treatment.  

Prior to treatment, the creation of a personalized surgical guide ensures that your implant treatment is as customized to your smile as possible. The comprehensive measurements used to create the guide allow for future implants to be placed precisely and strategically, creating best support for restorations while protecting the overall structure of the smile.

Traditional implant placement requires a good deal of guesswork during the actual surgery; dentists and oral surgeons manually placing implants the traditional way must be careful to drill into bone just enough to place the implants without causing damage to the overall bone structure. On the other hand, if the implant is not placed deep enough, there is an elevated risk of implant failure and patients may not enjoy full use of their new restoration.

With guided surgery, the depth and size of the bone is already predetermined, eliminating the risk of over- or under-drilling. During implant placement, the surgical guides help minimize the risk of damage to other important components of the smile, including the nerves, sinuses, and blood vessels that surround bone.  Ultimately, this precision and accuracy leaves patients with higher chances of successful implant treatment and predictable results.

Guided Implant Surgery in Northern Virginia

At Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants and Oral Surgery, we offer a number of dental implant options and work with local general dentists to ensure patients receive the best care possible. To learn more about the advantages of guided implant surgery and explore your dental implant options, call our locations in Springfield and Lorton or schedule a complimentary dental implant consultation online

Monday, January 23, 2017

Orthognathic and Orthodontics

The alignment of your teeth does more than influence the look of your smile, in fact our teeth guide the way we bite. An improper bite, or malocclusion, can cause serious dental health issues, ranging from cavities to gum disease. Traditionally, orthodontics prove to be an effective means of straightening teeth. However, in some instances conditions in the jaw do not permit lasting results even with orthodontics. In these particular instances, orthognathic or corrective jaw surgery may be recommended.

Why Choose Jaw Surgery for Misalignment?
By itself, orthodontics is ideal for correcting dental misalignment, either caused by trauma or by improper bone development. However, unless patients undergo proactive Phase I and Phase II orthodontic therapy, braces can fail to fully treat the jaw, which determines tooth alignment. Until treated, skeletal jaw misalignment constantly works against orthodontic therapy, preventing patients from enjoying a fully functional and uniform dentition. Potential side effects of serious jaw misalignment range from temporomandibular joint disorder to sleep apnea.

In instances of severe jaw malocclusion, jaw surgery is among the most effective, permanent methods of correcting the bite. This treatment is carefully planned after extensive diagnostic imaging and in coordination with an orthodontic specialist. By targeting the cause of misalignment at the source, patients are able to enjoy improved bite function as well as successful orthodontic results with a lowered risk of alignment relapse. Over the years studies have shown that this combination treatment yields positive, lasting results for patients with serious jaw malocclusion.

Coordinating Care in Lorton
At our oral surgery practices in Lorton and Springfield, Dr. Patel and his team are dedicated to ensuring that patients receive surgical solutions that yield lifelong results. By working closely with your orthodontist and general dentist, our oral surgeon is able to develop a multi-faceted treatment plan that works for your unique smile. Throughout the surgical process, Dr. Patel remains on hand to ensure proper recovery and results.

Learn More Today

Lorton Springfield Dental Implants and Oral Surgery is your home for advanced oral surgeries in Northern Virginia. To learn more about our treatment options, contact our team to schedule your consultation. We welcome referrals from dentists throughout the community. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Treating TMJ Disorder with Oral Surgery

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, is caused by jaw malocclusion, or misalignment combined with the subsequent tightness of connected muscles. While the condition is typically addressed through the use of physical therapy and orthotics, some cases of misalignment may not be sufficiently treated through these traditional methods. In these cases, corrective jaw surgery may be the best solution.

What is Corrective Jaw Surgery?
Also known as orthognathic surgery, this type of oral surgery focuses on correcting the structure of the jaw. As a number of conditions stem from jaw position, corrective surgery can be applied to a number of dental issues, ranging from severe over and underbites to sleep apnea. In the case of treating TMD, corrective jaw surgery allows our oral surgeon to precisely target the cause of the condition, poor jaw alignment.

Causes of Jaw Misalignment
Facial trauma can certainly be a contributing factor to jaw misalignment, additionally, developmental issues are a common reason behind malocclusion. Incorrect skeletal development can have a long-term impact on the jaw, causing the teeth to grow incorrectly. Over time, misalignment causes unequal wear on teeth, accelerating dental deterioration and leaving patients vulnerable to cavities and decay. Jaw malocclusion also leads to increased pressure on the jaw joint, thereby triggering the characteristic symptoms of TMJ disorder (TMD).  

Traditionally, treating TMD requires a plan that incorporates a combination of oral devices, orthodontics, and dental restorations. While some cases of severe skeletal misalignment can be corrected with these traditional methods, these treatment options may not fully address to root cause of malocclusion. As corrective jaw surgery is specifically tailored to each unique patient, orthognathic surgery is able to directly target and permanently correct the cause of malocclusion. In the long run, corrective jaw surgery is able to alleviate the symptoms of TMD and ultimately allows patients to enjoy healthful dental function.

Planning Corrective Jaw Surgery
At Lorton Springfield Dental Implants and Oral Surgery, orthognathic surgery starts with an in-depth assessment of the jaw, bite, and teeth. Using advanced diagnostic tools, Lorton oral surgeon Snehal Patel evaluates the condition of the smile and plots a strategic surgical plan. Following surgery, our experienced dental specialist works closely with your general dentist to ensure successful recovery and improved oral health well into the future.

If you’re experiencing serious symptoms of TMD, including migraines, difficulty chewing or swallowing, or excessive dental wear, contact our Lorton oral surgeon today. Together, Dr. Patel can help you regain full function of your smile.