Thursday, August 14, 2014

Are You a Candidate for Dentures in a Day in Lorton? Let’s Take a Look

If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, a set of dentures can give your mouth a natural look and feel while retaining your jaw’s shape. However, standard denture insertion process can take eight to twelve weeks, during which time you would have to wear temporary dentures or live without dentures at all. This can prove to be inconvenient, uncomfortable, or embarrassing. Dentures in a Day provides you with immediate dentures on the day of your appointment, so you can keep your smile looking natural and avoid the hassle of temporary dentures. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering Dentures in a day in the Lorton area.
Are You a Candidate for Dentures in a Day in Lorton? Let’s Take a Look

Also known as hybrid dentures, implant retained dentures are semi-permanent dentures that combine the features of fixed implants with the features of a standard removable denture. Implant retained dentures are supported by four permanent dental implants that are placed in your jaw. These dental implants usually take four to six months to heal. During this time, you will be able to wear temporary dentures that were installed on the day that your dental implants were inserted. After this waiting period is up, you’ll return to your dental surgeon to have your final dentures inserted. Your hybrid dentures will be affixed to the implants in your jaw, and only an oral surgeon or other dental professional can remove them.

Implant retained dentures allow you to replace all of your missing teeth without suffering the problems presented by traditional dentures. For instance, traditional dentures can often feel bulky, shift in your mouth, or cause pain when food particles get caught beneath the dentures. Implant retained dentures feel like your natural teeth, and the fact that they are attached to your jaw means they will not shift. This also prevents food from becoming trapped, which means you don’t have to worry about what kinds of food you can and cannot enjoy. If you’re someone who may have difficulty changing their dietary habits following the installation of new dentures, then Dentures in a Day may be a better solution for you.
Dentures in a Day is also a great option for you if you need to have teeth extracted before you can have your dentures inserted. Your dentures will mimic the appearance of a full set of teeth, so you don’t have to worry about missing teeth while you wait for your dentures.

If you opt for Dentures in a Day, you will need to follow specific post-operation instructions in order to ensure that your mouth heals properly. You’ll want to keep your new dentures in following your extractions, as this will limit bleeding and help your gums to heal. You may find that your gums change shape or shrink. If this happens, you will need to have your dentures realigned to prevent a loose fit. Following your dental surgeon’s instructions will ensure that your mouth will heal and your new dentures will fit well in your mouth.
Dentures in a Day is a denture solution that replaces your missing teeth while avoiding the embarrassing toothless waiting period that inevitably comes with standard dentures. Dentures in a Day also provides you with a stable set of teeth that don’t shift or trap food. If you’re considering the Dentures in a Day procedure, contact Lorton Oral Surgery and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Are You a Candidate for Dentures in a Day in Lorton? Let’s Take a Look

Friday, August 8, 2014

Replacing Teeth After a Sports Injury in Springfield: Here's What You Need to Know

Playing sports can be extremely rewarding and for many young children it provides exercise and an excellent outlet for burning off their boundless energy. However, there’s always the old saying, “no pain, no gain.” Many athletic activities become quite intense, especially any that involve physical contact. There is always the risk of injury, including injury to the mouth.
If you or one of your family members finds themselves missing a tooth due to a hard blow during a sporting event, you’ll need to take steps to get the damage repaired. Contact the Lorton Oral Surgery offices immediately at (703) 436-4633 and we’ll share a few key pieces of advice and get you booked in for an emergency appointment.
Replacing Teeth After a Sports Injury in Springfield: Here's What You Need to Know

The first thing you need to do is stay calm. If you can save the tooth, retrieve it. Pick it up by the top portion of the tooth, otherwise known as the crown. Do not remove anything that is still attached at the root. Rinse it gently and place it in a small container. Call your oral and maxillofacial surgeon immediately to explain that you have a dental emergency. Even if you can’t save the tooth, you need to contact your dental health team and make an appointment as soon as possible.

In the event that you have saved the tooth, time is of the essence. There is a chance that your oral surgeon will be able to insert the lost tooth into the socket and allow you to keep your tooth. If this is not possible, you will want to discuss your options for replacement. It is important that you address the matter in a timely manner. Otherwise, that gap in your teeth could cause your teeth to shift. You could also have problems with eating when you have a missing tooth.

Your dentist will discuss your choices to fill the gap that has been caused by a lost tooth. You could choose to have a dental implant or a bridge. An implant can actually work as well as your original tooth, especially if you take very good care of your mouth. The most important thing to remember is that you want to preserve your teeth to the best of your ability and restore your smile.

Once you have replaced your missing tooth, be sure to take every precaution in the future. Wear a mouth guard during any contact sport. Even if you don’t play a contact sport, accidents can happen. A mouth guard and a helmet with a face guard will go a long way when it comes to keeping your teeth safe. You want to protect your smile and maintain healthy teeth in the coming years.
Remember – if you’re suffering a dental emergency in Lorton or Springfield, call Lorton Oral Surgery immediately at (703) 436-4633 and we’ll advise you on what to do.

Replacing Teeth After a Sports Injury in Springfield: Here's What You Need to Know