Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

It is important that wisdom teeth are removed early. Waiting to remove wisdom teeth can put patients at risk of dental infection, gum disease, and jaw alignment problems, compromising the patient’s oral and overall health.

At Lorton Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, our highly skilled surgical team is dedicated to helping patients prepare for upcoming wisdom teeth extraction.

What happens in the procedure?
The process of removing wisdom teeth is relatively straightforward. During the initial consultation, Dr. Patel uses an iTero intraoral camera to obtain highly detailed images of the patient’s dentition.
Using this cutting-edge technology, he is able to determine if teeth are impacted and in what direction they are growing. This scanning method allows Dr. Patel to strategize the best way to extract third molars without damaging the surrounding teeth or tissues

To remove the teeth, Dr. Patel applies a local anesthetic to numb the area around the wisdom teeth. A small incision is then made in the gum tissue over the tooth and any overlying bone is removed. The connective tissue attaching the tooth to the jaw bone is separated and the tooth is removed. For easier removal, Dr. Patel may cut the tooth into smaller pieces. Once the wisdom tooth and its fragments are completely removed, the gum is stitched back together and gauze is placed over the treatment site.

What are my sedation options?
We recognize that some patients may feel anxious over the prospect of being awake during extraction. At Lorton Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, Dr. Patel and our surgical staff are trained to offer patients intravenous (IV) sedation during their wisdom teeth procedure. Due to the amnesiac side effect of IV sedation, patients are conscious and responsive during the procedures, but will not remember having their teeth removed.

Sedation options are discussed during the first consultation with Dr. Patel. Before wisdom teeth extraction, patients must refrain from consuming food and drinks (including water) starting at midnight the night before the procedure. We also require IV sedation patients to bring a driver with them to the appointment. The driver must stay in the office the full appointment time and be able to take the patient home.

If you are exhibiting discomfort caused by wisdom teeth, contact our Lorton and Springfield offices for further information on preparing for wisdom teeth extraction. 

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