Friday, September 22, 2017

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Thanks to better diets, increased awareness of oral health, and innovative dental technology, people are now keeping their natural teeth longer than ever, but that’s not to say that tooth extraction isn’t necessary some of the time.

Although you may feel self-conscious about needing one or more teeth removed, tooth extraction can actually benefit your smile and improve your overall health. There are several reasons why you may require a tooth extraction. We have listed some of the most common reasons below!

Dental Trauma

When your teeth experience trauma, it can happen in multiple ways. Sports injuries, a car accident, a fall or a fight can cause your teeth to come loose. Sometimes, your teeth can be saved and left in the socket. Other times, however, they need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant.

Infection or Tooth Decay

If you don’t practice good oral hygiene or visit your dentist regularly, you put yourself at risk for contracting periodontal disease. The bacteria that builds up on your teeth slowly begins to degrade your tooth enamel and gum tissue, causing your teeth to loosen. If your teeth are beyond saving, then an extraction may be necessary so that other teeth do not become infected.

Wisdom Teeth

Between the ages of 17 and 25, most individuals will experience the eruption of their wisdom teeth. In most cases, the mouth is not large enough to accommodate additional units, leading to wisdom teeth becoming impacted underneath the gums. To keep the rest of your teeth from shifting, wisdom teeth are often extracted by an oral surgeon. The procedure is very common and can be performed in an hour’s time.


Not everyone is born with straight teeth. Some have too many teeth for their mouth to handle, which leads to overcrowding. Overcrowded teeth can negatively impact the smile, since teeth are more difficult to clean and therefore more prone to infection. To create a healthier smile, a dentist will remove unnecessary teeth and use braces to restore uniformity.

Weakened Immune System

A compromised immune system can seriously impact your health and can even go so far as to affect your teeth. When you have a weak immune system, you have a higher chance of contracting an infection. If your teeth become infected, they may require an extraction.
Call for More Information!

If you would like more information about tooth extractions, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Common Bone Grafting Questions

Common Bone Grafting Questions

Many patients inquire about dental implants only to find that they need a bone grafting procedure before any additional work begins. If you have been told that you need a bone graft, you are not alone! The procedure is actually more common than you might think.

Of course, you likely have some questions about what the procedure entails. Before you come in for an appointment, see if you might find the information you’re looking for here! We’ve answered some of your most common bone grafting questions below.

Why would you need bone grafting treatments?

Bone grafting is required if your jaw bone is too soft to retain dental implants on its own. If you have been missing teeth for some time, it’s likely that your jawbone has weakened without anything to support.

Bone grafting aims to strengthen your teeth by adding more bone to the jaw. Over time, the graft integrates with your natural bone to produce appropriate jaw bone density.

Can you get a bone graft the same day as an extraction?

In most cases, it is possible to perform a bone graft on the same day as a tooth extraction. It is actually recommended that you have both procedures performed back to back to ensure that the bone graft remains stable for as long as it is necessary to integrate with your natural jaw bone.

What about getting a bone graft on the same day as implant placement?

Bone grafts and implant placement are not performed at the same time. After a bone grafting procedure, it is important for the graft to take the allotted amount of time to integrate with your natural jaw bone. This ensures that the graft will effectively stabilize any implants that are placed. Typically, bone grafting takes between 4 and 12 months to heal completely, at which point implant placement can be scheduled.

What is the aftercare experience like?

Most patients experience some pain and swelling after their bone grafting procedure, which can be suppressed using ibuprofen and cold compresses. Dr. Patel may also prescribe an antibiotic to keep any infections at bay.

While you heal, it’s important that you do not disturb the surgical site with brushing or flossing. Maneuver around the area whenever possible. You will also benefit from a liquid or soft-food diet for the first few days after a bone graft. Once you start feeling more comfortable, you can begin to incorporate solid foods.

Give Us a Call for More Information!

If you have additional questions about bone grafting or would like to find out whether the procedure is right for you, contact Lorton-Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery and schedule an appointment.