Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Trouble with Wisdom Teeth

For many, the development of impacted wisdom teeth is an uncomfortable rite of passage. However, dental patients may fail to recognize how much damage impacted wisdom teeth can wreak on their dentition.

What is an impacted tooth?
 An impacted tooth occurs when there is not enough space for a tooth to emerge, due to either overlying gum, bone, or other teeth. While any emerging tooth can become impacted, the third molars are particularly susceptible due to their late development and emergence, when compared to other teeth.

Problems caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth
In addition to general discomfort, complete or partially impacted teeth can cause serious repercussions for your overall dentition. As impacted wisdom teeth attempt to erupt through the tissue or bone, they tend to push the surrounding teeth out of alignment. Not only does this shift the individual’s bite, but it can also negate prior orthodontic work the patient has undergone.

This shift can also have a domino effect on the alignment of the jaw, causing secondary issues such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and migraines. These can greatly exacerbate patient discomfort and require multi-discipline treatment.
Impacted wisdom teeth can also increase the risk of dental decay and infection. Below the surface, sacs can form around impacted teeth. If left untreated, the sac fills with fluid and becomes a painful cyst. Untreated cysts also put the patient at risk of benign tumors that require surgery to remove and repair the bone.

Even when wisdom teeth do begin to emerge correctly, the dental arch is often not large enough to accommodate the third molar. Partially impacted teeth are at a higher risk for dental decay and gum disease, as food and bacteria are easily trapped between the semi-emerged tooth and the gum.

Facing Wisdom Teeth Pain?

The longer patients wait to have their impacted wisdom teeth removed, the more difficult extraction can become. Dr. Patel of Lorton Springfield Dental Implants & Oral Surgery recommends that impacted wisdom teeth be removed while the bone is still malleable, typically before the age of 23. If you need wisdom teeth extracted, Dr. Patel can walk you through the procedure. Contact our Lorton and Springfield offices today to learn more about the importance of early wisdom teeth removal. 

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